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Abbé, Shana
Adams, Richard
Adams, Will
Adamson, Joy
Adebayo, Ayobami
Ahern, Cecelia
Aiken, Joan
Akhtar, Ayad
Alcott, Louisa May
Aldington, Richard
Aldridge, James
Alexander, Alma
Allbeury, Ted
Allen, Hervey
Allen, Woody
Allfrey, Phyllis Shand
Allin, Michael
Alliott, Catherine
Allyn, John
Alpsten, Ellen
Amin, Helle
Amis, Kingsley
Amis, Martin
Anderson, Patrick
Anderson, Sherwood
Andrews, V. C.
Anstey, F.
Archer, Jeffrey
Arnold, Stephanie
Ashcroft, Donna
Asher, Bridget
Atkinson, Patricia
Atwood, Margaret
Auel, Jean M.
August, David
Austen, Jane
Bagshawe, Louise
Bach, Richard
Bainbridge, Beryl
Baldacci, David
Baldwin, James
Ballard, J. G.
Banville, John
Bard, Mary
Barker, Clive
Barker, Nicola
Barnes, Margaret Campbell
Barrett, Maria
Barstow, Stan
Bassett, Alexandra
Bates, H. E.
Beach, Rex
Beauman, Sally
Beck, Glenn
Begley, Jamie
Belfrage, Cedric
Bell, Anna
Bell, Daisy
Bell, Charles
Bellow, Saul
Benedict, Alexandra
Benchley, Peter
Bennett, Arnold
Berendt, John
Bernard, Christiaan
Berniéres, Louis de
Bessie, Alvah Cecil
Bianchi, Piero M.
Bickmor, Barbara
Bingham, Harry
Black, Jonah
Black, Jonathan
Blake, Cindy
Block, Lawrence
Block, Thomas
Bloch, Arthur
Bloom, Tracy
Bolt, Peter
Bombeck, Erma
Bond, Larry
Boo, Katherine
Bourne, Sam
Bowen, Elizabeth
Bowen, James
Bowman, John Clarke
Boyd, Martin
Boyd, William
Bradford, Barbara Taylor
Bradford, Roark
Braine, John
Brautigan, Richard
Bremzen, Anya von
Brett, Simon
Brett, Vladimír
Bretton, Barbara
Bridges, Victor
Briffault, Robert
Brinig, Myron
Brink, André P.
Briskin, Jacqueline
Bristow, Gwen
Britto, Anthony
Bromfield, Louis
Brontë, Emily
Brontë, Charlotte
Brown, Dan
Brown, Sandra
Buck, Pearl S.
Buchan, John
Buchwald, Art
Bukiet, Melvin Jules
Bukowski, Charles
Bullett, Gerald William
Burgess, Perry
Burke, John Frederick
Burke, Richard
Burman, Ben Lucien
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burrell, Paul
Burroughs, William S.
Bushnell, Candace
Busch, Frederick
Buster, Gun
Byrne, Beverly
Byrne, Lorna
Cabot, Meg
Caffiere, Blanche
Caine, Rachel
Caldwell, Erskine
Callan, Jamie Cat
Callison, Brian
Calonita, Jen
Calthorpe, Mena
Cameron, Sue
Cameron, W. Bruce
Campbell, Reginald
Canfield, Jack
Caplin, Julie
Capote, Truman
Carcaterra, Lorenzo
Carlisle, Helen Grace
Carlson, Richard
Carpenter, Emily
Carroll, Lee
Carroll, Susan
Carter, Forrest
Cary, Joyce
Case, John
Cass, Kiera
Castle, John
Cather, Willa Sibert
Cato, Nancy
Cave, Nick
Clancy, Tom
Clark, Mary Higgins
Clarke, Donald Henderson
Clarke, Stephen
Clavell, James
Clynes, Michael
Cobb, Thomas
Coetzee, John Maxwell
Cohen, Lester
Cohen, Matt
Cohen, Stuart
Cohn, Rachel
Cole, Martina
Coleridge, Nicholas
Collins, Jackie
Collins, Joan
Collins, Max Allan
Collins, Norman
Collins, Wilkie
Comfort, Will Levington
Conrad, Joseph
Conrad, Lauren
Constantin-Weyer, Maurice
Cookson, Catherine
Coonts, Stephen
Cooper, Glenn
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Jilly
Coplin, Kira
Corman, Avery
Cortland, Tyler
Coulter, Catherine
Cowie, Vera
Coyle, Harold
Crais, Robert
Crawford, Francis Marion
Crichton, Michael
Crichton, Robert
Crisler, Lois
Crompton, Richmal
Cronin, Archibald Joseph
Crosse, Tania
Cubeca, Karel
Cullen, Lynn
Cunningham, Michael
Curwood, James Oliver
Cusack, Dymphna
Cussler, Clive
Da Costa, Portia
Dahl, Roald
Dailey, Janet
Dale, Jenny
Dalí, Salvador
Dane, Clemence
Daniel, Roland
Davenport, Marcia
Davidson, Basil
Davies, Emma
Davies, Robertson
Davis, Clyde Brion
Davis, Christopher
Davis, Philip J.
Dawson, Suleika
Day, Cathy
Day, Sylvia
De Kruif, Paul
De Vries, Peter
Deeping, Warwick
DeFelice, Jim
Defoe, Daniel
Delaney, J. P.
Delingpole, James
Delinsky, Barbara
Demille, Nelson
Dempsey, Eoin
Denker, Henry
Díaz, Junot
Dickens, Charles
Dickens, Monica
Dietrich, William
Diffenbaugh, Vanessa
Dionne, Karen
Dirie, Waris
Dobbs, Michael
Doctorow, Edgar Lawrence
Dodd, Martha
Dodman, Nicholas H.
Donoghue, Emma
Dos Passos, John
Dowdey, Clifford
Downham, Jenny
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Dreiser, Theodore
Du Brul, Jack B.
Du Maurier, Daphne
Dumas, Alexandre
Durell, Gerald
Durrell, Gerald
Durrellová, Jacquie
Dyer, Geoff
Džibrán, Chalil
Eadie, Betty J.
Eastlake, William
Eberhart, M. G.
Edgeworth, Maria
Edwards-Jones, Imogen
Eisen, Norman
Eliot, George
Ellis, Bret Easton
Ellis, Helen
Ellison, Ralph
Ellory, Roger Jon
Elton, Benjamin Charles
England, G. A.
Enright, Anne
Erskin, Barbara
Erskine, John
Essbaum, Jill Alexander
Evans, Allen Roy
Evans, Christopher
Evans, Nicholas
Faber, Michel
Falco, Ed
Falconer, Colin
Farrell, James Gordon
Fast, Howard
Faulkner, John
Faulkner, William
Faulks, Sebastian
Ferber, Edna
Ferguson, Ruby
Ferris, Paul
Fforde, Katie
Fiala, Stanislav - uspořádal
Field, Rachel
Fielding, Helen
Fielding, Henry
Fielding, Joy
Finder, Joseph
Finn, Francis Jammes
Fisher, Carrie
Fisher, Nancy
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott
Fitzgerald, Sarah Moore
FitzSimmons, Matthew
Flaubert, Gustave
Flavin, Martin
Fleischer, Leonore
Fleming, May Agnes
Foley, Gaelen
Follett, Ken
Folson, Allan R.
Foote, Shelby
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Richard
Forman, Gayle
Fornaová, Aminatta
Forster, E. M.
Forster, Edward Morgan
Forstchen, William R.
Forsyth, Frederick
Foster, Michael
Fowler, Bo
Fowler, Karen Joy
Fowles, John
Fox, Hugh
Francis, Dick
Frank, Waldo David
Freeman, Austin R.
French, Dawn
Frýbort, Pavel
Fulghum, Hunter S
Fulghum, Robert
Furnivall, Kate
Gaffney, Patricia
Gage, Elizabeth
Gallenzi, Alessandro
Galsworthy, John
Gardner, Erle Stanley
Garland, Alex
Garnett, David
Garwood, Julie
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Geissinger, J. T.
Gerald, Durrell
Gerritsen, Tess
Gibson, Rachel
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Giffin, Emily
Gifford, Barry
Gilbert, Elizabeth
Giles, Barbara
Gill, Michael Gates
Ginsburgh, Betsy
Gladstone, William
Glaspell, Susan
Glyn, Elinor
Goddard, Robert
Golden, Arthur
Golding, Louis
Golding, William
Goldsmith, Olivia
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Goodwin, Jason
Gordon, Barbara
Gordon, Jane
Gordon, Noah
Gordon, Richard
Goudge, Eileen
Gould, Judith
Grafton, Sue
Graham, Heather
Grant, David
Graves, Robert
Gray, Amy Tipton
Gray, Marie
Green, Alan
Green, F. L.
Green, George Dawes
Green, Graham
Green, Hank
Green, Jane
Green, John
Greene, Graham
Greene, St. John
Greenwood, Walter
Greer, Andrew Sean
Greive, Bradley Trevor
Grey, Sasha
Griffin, Gwyn
Grippando, James
Grisham, John
Groff, Lauren
Grogan, John
Groom, Winston
Gross, Andrew
Guéhenno, Jean
Guestová, Judith
Gunesekera, Romesh
Gunn, Neil Miller
Gunter, Archibald Clavering
Guterson, David
Haddon, Mark
Haggard, H. Rider
Hachfeld-Tapukai, Christina
Hailey, Arthur
Haire-Sargeant, Lin
Hale, Edward Everest
Haley, Alex
Hall, Radclyffe
Hall, Sarah
Hallowell, Edward M.
Halper, Albert
Hambly, Barbara
Hamill, Pete
Hamová, Rosalie
Hanks, Tom
Hapka, Cathy
Haran, Elizabeth
Hardieová, Titania
Hardy, Thomas
Harman, Patricia
Harmon, Amy
Harms, Kelly
Harpham, Heather
Harraden, B.
Harrington, James
Harris, Joane
Harris, Joanne
Harris, Robert
Harrison, A. S. A.
Harrison, Sarah
Hart, Josephine
Harte, Francis Bret
Harvey, Kathryn
Hassel, Sven
Hawker, Olivia
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hearn, Lian
Heller, Joseph
Hellmuth, Phil
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Emma
Henley, Virginie
Henry, O.
Hergesheimer, Joseph
Herman, George
Herman, Richard
Hernon, Peter
Herriot, James
Hersey, John
Hewlett, Maurice Henry
Heym, Stefan
Higgins, Jack
Highsmith, Patricia
Hichens, Robert Smythe
Hilden, Julie
Hill, Susan
Hilton, James
Hoag, Tami
Hobart, Alice Tisdale
Hodgson-Burnett, Fr.
Hogan, Pendleton
Hochman, David G.
Holland, Tom
Holland, Travis
Holleeder, Astrid
Holt, Victoria
Hope, Anthony
Hornby, Nick
Horwood, William
Hosseini, Khaled
Houghton, Claude
Hudson, W. H.
Hunter, Evan
Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew
Hustvedt, Siri
Hutchinson, A. S. M.
Huxley, Aldous
Hyde, Catherine Ryan
Chamberlain, Diane
Chaplin, Sid
Chapman, Allen
Charleson, Susannah
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Cheever, John
Chester, George Randolph
Chesterton, G. K.
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
Chevalier, Tracy
Child Lee
Child, Lee
Child, Lincoln
Chopra, Deepak
Chorell, Walentin
Chorlton, Windsor
Christie, Evan
Christofferson, April
Christopher, Paul
Iles, Greg
Irving, John
Irwin, Robert
Jäckel, Karin
Jackson, Charles
Jacobs, Nancy Baker
Jacobsová, Nancy Baker
Jakes, John
James, E. L.
Jameson, Storm
Jammes, Francis
Jarvis, Cheryl
Jaud, Tommy
Jenkins, Elizabeth B.
Jennings, Gary
Jennings, William Dale
Jerome, Jerome Klapka
Jessup, Diane
Jiní lidé : tajemný příběh
Johansen, Iris
Johns, William Earl
Johnson, Diane
Johnson, Josephine
Johnson, Pamela Hansford
Johnston, Jennifer
Jones, Jill
Jones, Mervyn
Jones, Sadie
Jong, Erica
Jordan, Nicole
José, F. Sionil
Joyce, James
Jukes, Helen
Kalfus, Ken
Kalogridis, Jeanne
Kandel, Aben
Kane, John
Kanon, Joseph
Kardos, Michael
Katzenbach, John
Kaufman, Sue
Kaye-Smith, Sheila
Kazan, Elia
Kearton, Cherry
Keating, Lucy
Keeler, Harry Stephen
Kelly, Cathy
Kelly, Jason
Kelly, Mary Louise
Kelman, Nic
Kendall, Grant
Keneally, Thomas
Kennedy, Margaret
Kennedy, William
Kernick, Simon
Kerovac, Jack
Kesey, Ken
Khashoggi, Soheir
Khoury, Raymond
Killens, John Oliver
Kimberling, Brian
Kimbrough, Katheryn
King, Stephen
Kingsley, Charles
Kinsella, Sophie
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirk, Eileen van
Kirková, Alana
Kleypas, Lisa
Klingele, Lindsey
Kneale, Matthew
Knight, Eric
Knightová, India
Koestler, Arthur
Kolektiv autorů
Komaiko, Leah
Konen, Leah
Kostova, Elizabeth
Kowalski, William
Krakauer, Jon
Krantz, Judith
Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell
Krentz, Jayne Ann
Krüger, Kobie
Kuipers, Alice
L'Amour, Louis
Lahiri, Jhumpa
Lamb, Charles a Mary
Lambert, Eric
Langley, Adria Locke
Lanham, Edwin
Lannertová, Stacey
Lansens, Lori
Lardner, Ring
Lauren, Christina
Laurents, Arthur
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, David Herbert
Lawrence, Lars
Le Carré, John
Le Queux, William
Leacock, Stephen
Lee, Harper
Lee, Laurie
Lee, Rachel
Lehane, Dennis
Leonard, Elmore
Leslie, Doris
Lessing, Doris May
Levin, Ira
Lewis, Gwyneth
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Lewis, Norman
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewisohn, Ludwig
Lindsay, Jack
Lindsey, Johanna
Linklater, Eric
Lodge, David
Lom, Herbert
London, Jack
Long, Kate
Loomis, Gregg
Loos, Anita
Lorentz, Iny
Lorimer, George Horace
Lotzová, Sarah
Lovejoy, William H.
Lowe, Shirley
Lowell, Elizabeth
Ludlum, Robert
Lupton, Rosamund
Lurie, Alison
Luther, Arthur
Lyman, Randall
Lyndon, Robert
Lynn, Jonathan
Lyttkens, Alice
Maas, Edgar
Maas, Sarah J.
Mac Kenney, Ruth
Macaulay, Rose
MacDonald, Betty
MacDonald, John D.
Macdonald, Ross
Macken, Walter
MacLeod, Fiona
Macmillan, Gilly
MacNeill, Alastair
Mailer, Norman
Malamud, Bernard
Malarkey, Tucker
Malouf, David
Malpass, Eric
Maltz, Albert
Mann, Don
Mansfield, Katherine
Marciano, Francesca
Marlitt, Eugenie
Marshall, Alan
Martel, Yann
Martell, Maureen
Martin, David
Martin, Steve
Martyn, Wyndham
Mason, F. van Wyck
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff
Matthews, Jack
Matthiessen, Peter
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maugham, William Somerset
Mawson, Robert
Maxwell, Ann
Maxwell, W.B.
May, Antoinette
Mayle, Peter
Mayo, Nick
McAuley, Paul J.
McCaig, Donald
McCall Smith, Alexander
McCarry, Charles
McCoy, Horace
McCullers, Carson
McCullough, Colleen
McCullough, David
McCune, Evelyn
McDonell, Nick
McEwan, Ian
McGarry, Katie
McGrath, Thomas
McHugh, Gail
McInerney, Jay
McKay, Hilary
McLaren, John
McLaughlin, Emma
McNeill, Elizabeth
Meade, Glenn
Melville, Herman
Metalious, Grace
Meyer, Deon
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Caroline
Miller, E.
Miller, Henry
Miller, Linda Lael
Miller, Michelle
Miller, Rebecca
Miller, Warren
Millin, Sarah Gertruda
Milne, A. A.
Minot, Susan
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Donald Grant
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Margaret
Mohammed, Rahaf
Monger, Christopher
Montefiore, Santa
Montefiore, Simon
Montgomeryová, Florence
Moodie, Susanna
Moore, Brian
Moore, Christopher
Moorjani, Anita
Morand, Paul
Morell, Antoni
Morgan, Charles
Morgan, Marlo
Moriarty, Laura
Moriarty, Liane
Morley, Christopher
Morrell, David
Morrell, Sydney
Morrison, John
Morrison, Toni
Morton, Kate
Moyes, Jojo
Mulligan, Andy
Munro, Alice
Munroo, Alice
Murdoch, Iris
Murdochová, Iris
Myrer, Anton
Myron, Vicki
Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič
Nass, Herbert
Neiderman, Andrew
Neill, Fiona
Neville, Katherine
Nguyen, Kien
Nicoll, Andrew
Nicholson, Michael
Norman, James
Norris, Frank
Novák, Archibald Václav
Nunn, Judy
O;Flaherty, Liam
O'Brien Kevin
O'Brien, Kate
O'Casey, Sean
O'Connell, Tyne
O'Connor, Joseph
O'Connor, Philip
O'Donnell, Edwin P.
O'Donnell, Lisa
O'Hagan, Andrew
O'Hara, John
O'Neal, Katherine
Oates, Joyce Carol
Ochová, Sheila
Oldfield, Pamela
Ondaatje, Michael
Oppel, Kenneth
Osborn, John Jay
Palin, Michael
Palmer, Michael
Pancol, Katherine
Parent, Gail
Pargeter, Edith
Pariatová, Janice
Parsons, Julie
Passos dos, John
Pat, Frank
Patchett, Ann
Patterson, Richard North
Paul, Elliot
Payne, C. Douglas
Pearse, Sarah
Pearseová, Emma
Peck, M. Scott
Peters, Ralph
Peterson, Holly
Phillips, Arthur
Picoult, Jodi
Pierre, DBC
Pilcher, Rosamunde
Plaidy, Jean
Plain, Belva
Poe, Edgar Allan
Potok, Chaim
Potter, Alexandra
Pottinger, Stanley
Preston, Douglas
Preston, Richard
Price, Katie
Price, Nancy
Priestley, J. B.
Prichard, Katharine Susannah
Probst, Jennifer
Proctor, Candice
Prokosch, Frederic
Proulx, Annie
Putney, Mary Jo
Puzo, Mario
Pynchon, Thomas
Quentin, Patrick
Quick, Amanda
Quin, Mike
Quindlen, Anna
Racina, Thom
Radcliff, Ann
Rachman, Tom
Rankin, Robert
Rapp, Adam
Raucat, Thomas
Rayment, Tarlton
Read, Piers Paul
Reardon, Joyce
Redfearn, Suzanne
Rees, Celia
Rees, Jasper
Reichhart-Krennová, Therese
Reilly, Matthew
Renault, Mary
Rentzenbrink, Cathy
Retcliff, John
Rice, Elmer
Ridpath, Michael
Richards, W. E.
Richardson, Henry Handel
Richler, Mordecai
Rimmer, Kelly
Ripley, Alexandra
Rivers Siddonsová, Anne
Rivers, Francine
Robbins, Harold
Robbins, Tom
Roberts, Cecil
Roberts, Kenneth Lewis
Roberts, Monty
Roberts, Nora
Robertson, Imogen
Robinson, Patrick
Robinson, Steve
Rod, Édouard
Rogan, Barbara
Rogers, Rosemary
Roper, Richard
Rosburg, Helen A
Rosburg, Helen A.
Rose, Marcia
Rosten, Leo Calvin
Roth, Philip
Rowling, J. K.
Ruark, Robert
Ruark, Robert Chester
Ruggero, Ed
Rush, Philip
Rushdie, Salman
Russell, Elizabeth
Rutherford, Alex
Ryan, Charles
Ryan, Chris
Ryška, Tomáš
Sachar, Louis
Salinger, J. D.
Sanders, Lawrence
Saroyan, William
Saul, John Ralston
Scortia, Thomas N.
Scott, Walter
Sebastian, Tim
Seboldová, Alice
See, Lisa
Segal, Erich
Semple, Maria
Sewellová, Kitty
Shah, Hannah
Shakespeare, William
Sharma, Robin S.
Sharpe, Tom
Shaw, Bernard
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Irwin
Shaw, Patricia
Sheean, Vincent
Shelby, Philip
Sheldon, Sidney
Shields, Carol
Shobin, David
Shreve, Anita
Shugarts, David A.
Schone, Robin
Schulberg, Budd
Schumacher, H. V.
Siddons, Anne Rivers
Simms, William Gilmore
Simons, Paullina
Simpson, Thomas William
Sinclair, B. W.
Sinclair, Bertrand W.
Sinclair, Upton
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Sisman, Robyn
Sisson, Rosemary Anne
Sittenfeld, Curtis
Skelton, C. L.
Slavin, Julia
Sloan, Holly
Small, Bertrice
Smích, F.
Smiley, Jane
Smith, Betty
Smith, Crystal
Smith, Lillian Eugenia
Smith, Martin
Smith, Wilbur
Smith, Wilbur A.
Smollett, T.
Smollett, Tobias George
Snow, C. P.
Solfjurg, Petr
Soyener, Johannes K.
Spalding, Nick
Sparks, Nicholas
Spencer-Wendel, Susan
Spencer, LaVyrle
Spies, Sidney
Spring, Howard
Sprott, Duncan
Spruill, Steven
Stacpoole, Henry de Vere
Stainforth, Diana
Steel, Danielle
Stein, Garth
Stein, Gertrude
Steinbeck, John
Sterling, Dorothy
Stern, Richard Martin
Stevenson, Amanda
Stewart, Desmond
Stewart, Mary
Stimson, Tess
Stinson, Barney
Stockett, Kathryn
Stockton, Frank Richard
Stockwin, Julian
Stone, Irving
Storm-Jameson, Margaret
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strachey, Lytton
Straubová, Emma
Strout, Elizabeth
Struble, Stanley
Stuart, Francis
Stuart, Jesse
Stuart, Keith
Styron, William
Sulitzer, Paul Loup
Sullivan, Mark T.
Sullivan, Vernon
Susann, Jacqueline
Sutherland, Halliday
Sutherland, Halliday
Sweeney, Cynthia D´Aprix
Swift, Graham
Swift, Jonathan
Tanner, Janet
Tarkington, Booth
Tarr, Judith
Taylor, David
Taylor, Debbie
Taylor, Patrick
Terrell, Carroll F.
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thayer, James
Thiery, Alain
Thomas, Adrienne
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall
Thomas, Gordon
Thomas, Lowell
Thomas, Michael
Thomas, Rosie
Thompson, Carlene
Thompson, Frank T.
Thompson, Kate
Thomson, Maynard F.
Thurber, James
Tine, Robert
Titchmarsh, Alan
Tóibín, Colm
Toole, John Kennedy
Townsend, Helen
Townsend, Sue
Toyne, Simon
Trollope, Anthony
Trumbo, Dalton
Twain, Mark
Tyler, Anne
Tylerová, Anne
Underwood, John
Unsworth, Barry
Updike, John
Uris, Leon
Van Duzer, Winifred
Victor, Cynthia
Vidal, Gore
Viorst, Judith
Vizinczey, Stephen
Voynich, Ethel Lilian
Vuong, Ocean
Vyleta, Dan
Wade, Cleo
Wain, John
Wallace, Edgar
Waller, Leslie
Waller, Robert James
Wallis, C.
Walpole, Horace
Walters, Louise
Warren, Robert Penn
Watson, Winifred
Watt, Peter
Waugh, Evelyn
Way, Camilla
Webbová, Mary
Weisberger, Lauren
Weldon, Fay
Wells, Carolyn
Wells, H. G
Wells, H. G.
Wells, Jeff
Welshman, Malcolm D.
West, Morris L.
West, Nathanael
Westlake, Donald E.
Wetherell, Elizabeth
Whalen, Marybeth Mayhew
Wharton, Edith
White, Alan
White, Patrick
White, Stephen
Whitehouse, David
Wiggins, Marianne
Wilde, Oscar
Wilden, Theodore
Wilder, Thornton
Wiles, Will
Wilkerson, Charmaine
Willett, Marcia
Williams, Alice Muriel
Williams, Ben Ames
Williams, Tennessee
Williamson, C. N.
Williamson, Henry
Willig, Lauren
Wilson, Angus
Wilson, Deirdre
Wilson, Hilary
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Mitchell
Wilson, Susan
Winegardner, Mark
Wingate, Alfred
Winterson, Jeanette
Wodehouse, P. G.
Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville
Wolfe, Tom
Wolff, Isabel
Wolff, Maritta
Wood, Barbara
Wood, Jane Roberts
Wood, Patricia
Woodman, Cathy
Woolf, Virginia
Wren, P. C.
Wright, Richard
Yates, Richard
Yerby, Frank
Yglesias, Rafael
Youngs, Bettie B.
Ziegesar, Cecily von
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