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Abbott, Rachel
Ablow, Keith
Ackroyd, Peter
Adam, Paul
Adamov, Arkadij Grigor'jevič
Adamovič, Ivan
Adams, Douglas
Adams, Herbert
Adams, Taylor
Adcock, Thomas Larry
Addams, Peter
Adler-Olsen, Jussi
Adler, Elizabeth
Aillon, Jean d&apos
Aird, Catherine
Alaux, Jean-Pierre
Alechin, Gleb Viktorovič
Allbeury, Ted
Allingham, Margery
Amiel, Joseph
Amis, Kingsley
Anders, R.
Anderson, Patrick
Andrejs, Jaroslav
Andreota, Paul
Andrews, Mike
Angelis, Augusto de
Anholt, Laurence
Anscombe, Roderick
Arango, Sascha
Archer, Geoffrey
Archer, Jeffrey
Arjouni, Jakob
Arnau, Frank
Ashman, Rob
Aspe, Pieter
Aubert, Brigitte
Autor neuveden
Aveline, Claude
Baer, Neal
Bagley, Desmond
Bainbridge, Beryl
Baldacci, David
Bálek, František
Ball, Donna
Ball, F.
Ball, John
Ballien, Tilo
Balmer, Edwin
Barclay, Alex
Barclay, Linwood
Barett, Maria
Barnard, Christiaan Neethling
Barnes, Steven
Barnet, Petr
Barris, Chuck
Bartsch, Rudolf
Bass, Jefferson
Bateman, Colin
Bates, Barrie
Bates, Jerem
Bauer, Belinda
Bawden, Nina
Baxter, George Owen
Bazell, Josh
Beahm, George
Beaton, M. C.
Becker, Walt
Beckmann, Mani
Belan, Branko
Belloc-Lowndes, Mary
Bellow, Saul
Belmond, Jack
Bělohradská, Hana
Benedikt, Martin
Benchley, Peter
Benjamin, Peter
Benson, Stéphanie
Berenson, Laurien
Bergfeldt, Carina
Bergius, C. C.
Berkeley, Anthony
Bernard, Tristan
Bernátová, Gabrielle
Bernfeld, Rainer
Bernhardt, William
Berry, Flynn
Berry, Steve
Berthold, Will
Bertin, Charles
Bieber, Horst
Bielicky, M. L.
Bierce, Ambrose
Biggers, Earl Derr
Billingham, Mark
Bingley, Margaret
Binns, Ottwell
Birken, Gary A.
Bjork, Samuel
Black, Ethan
Black, Tony
Blake, Adam
Blake, Ken
Blickensdörfer, Hans
Block, Lawrence
Block, Thomas
Blom, Karl Arne
Blómkvist, Stella
Bocca, Geoffrey
Bodunov, Ivan Vasil'jevič
Boileau, Pierre
Bolden, G.
Bonhoff, Otto
Börjlind, Cilla a Rolf
Borniche, Roger
Borovička, V. P.
Bosetzky, Kurt
Botti, Laurent
Bourne, Sam
Box, C. J.
Brand, Christianna
Braun, Lilian Jackson
Breinersdorfer, Fred
Brent, Madeleine
Brett, Simon
Briggs, Nicholas
Britto, Anthony
Brown, Dale
Brown, Dan
Brown, George
Brown, Graham
Brown, Molly
Brown, Rosellen
Brown, Sandra
Bruce, François
Bryndza, Robert
Buck, Ch. Neville
Buchan, John
Burke, James Lee
Burke, Jan
Burke, John Frederick
Burke, Jonathan
Burley, W. J.
Burnell, Mark
Busch, Andrea C.
Butler, Gwendoline
Cadonius, Jane
Cail, Carol
Cain, James M.
Calbraith, Robert
Caldwell, Ian
Campbell, Bethany
Campbell, Ramsey
Cannell, Stephen J.
Capote, Truman
Carlisle, Helen Grace
Carlon, Patricia
Carlsson, Christoffer
Carmichael, Emily
Carr, John Dickson
Carrell, Jennifer Lee
Carrington, Sam
Carroll, Jonathan
Carson, Paul
Carter, Christopher
Caruso, Giacinta
Casati Modignani, Sveva
Case, John
Casey, Robert J.
Cave, Peter
Ceder, Camilla
Clancy, Tom
Clark, Carol Higgins
Clark, Mary Higgins
Clark, Mary Jane Behrends
Clarkson, Dick
Clarkson, Wensley
Cleeves, Ann
Clem, Bill
Clement, Peter
Clevely, Hugh
Cleverly, Barbara
Clifford, Francis
Clifton, Léon
Clinton, Bill
Coatmeur, Jean-François
Cobb, James
Coben, Harlan
Cockey, Tim
Cody, Liza
Cole, Daniel
Cole, Martina
Coley, Liz
Collins, Edgar
Collins, Joan
Collins, Max Allan
Collins, Michael
Collins, Wilkie
Condon, Richard
Connelly, Michael
Connolly, John
Connor, Alex
Connor, Beverly
Connor, John
Conrad, Patrick
Cook, Robin
Copper, Basil
Cornwell, Jessica
Cornwell, Patricia Daniels
Cortland, Tyler
Cottam, Francis
Cotton, Jerry
Coulter, Catherine
Courths-Mahler, Hedwig
Cox, Richard
Craig, David
Craig, Philip R.
Crais, Robert
Crasst, Harry
Creasey, John
Crenshaw, Lee D.
Crichton, Michael
Crispin, Edmund
Crofts, Freeman Wills
Crombie, Deborah
Cruz-Smith, Martin
Cruz, Melissa de la
Cullum, Ridgwell
Cunningham, Chet
Curran, John
Curtiss, Ursula Reilly
Čech, Jan
Černý, Bohumil
D'Amato, Barbara
D'Érigny, Simone
Daeninckx, Didier
Dahl, Tor Edvin
Dalton, Joe
Dán, Dominik
Dantz, William R.
Dard, Fréderic
Davies, Linda
Davis, Lindsey
Davis, Patrick A.
De la Motte, Anders
Deaver, Jeffery
Deighton, Len
Deiss, Joseph Jay
Dekker, Ted
Delinsky, Barbara
Demers, Frans
Demille, Nelson
Denker, Henry
Denton, Jamie
Deutermann, Peter T.
Deverell, William
Dexter, Colin
Dibdin, Michael
Dickens, Charles
Diehl, William
Dietrichs, Butler
Diksen, Bernd
Dillard, J. M.
Disch, Thomas M.
Dixon, Franklin W.
Dobbs, Michael
Dobrovol'skij, Vladimir Anatol'jevič
Dobyns, Stephen
Doetsch, Richard
Doherty, Paul
Docherty, James
Donlea, Charlie
Dorn, Wulf
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Doyle, Virginia
Drake, Shannon
Dreyer, Eileen
Drimmer, Frederick
Du Maurier, Daphne
Duckworth, Charlotte
Duchenne, Albert
Dun, David
Duncan, Lois
Dunlap, Susan
Durbridge, Francis
Durrant, Sabine
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich
Eastland, Sam
Eberhart, Mignon Good
Eco, Umberto
Eddy, Paul
Edigey, Jerzy
Edmonds, Lucinda
Edvinsson, Anki
Edward, Martin P.
Edwardson, Åke
Egeland, Tom
Ehrman, Kit
Ekberg, Anna
Ekema, D.
Ekman, Kerstin
Elgers, Paul
Elkins, Aaron
Elmore, Leonard
Elsberg, Marc
Elvestad, Sven Christofer
Enger, Thomas
Erez, Nathan
Erikson, Thomas
Erman, H.
Erpenbeck, Fritz
Escobar, Melba
Etzold, Veit
Evanovich, Janet
Eversz, Robert
Eyre, Elizabeth
Eysselsteijn, Ben van
Fair, A. A.
Falconer, Colin
Faletti, Giorgio
Felisatti, Massimo
Felitta, Frank de
Fenwick, Elizabeth
Ferraris, Zoë
Fielding, Archibald
Fielding, Joy
Fieldingová, Joy
Finder, Joseph
Finney, Patricia
Fisher, Nancy
Fischerová, Marie Louise
Fitzek, Sebastian
Fleming, Ian
Fleming, Joan
Fletcher, J. S.
Floriot, René
Flynn, Gillian
Follet, Ken
Follett, Ken
Folsom, Allan
Forbes, Colin
Ford, Steven
Ford, Wayne
Forrest, Norman
Fossum, Karin
Fouassier, Éric
Fowler, Christopher
Francis, Dick
Francis, Felix
Francis, Gérard
Francome, John
Freedman, J. F.
Freeman, Brian
Fremlin, Celia
French, Nicci
French, Tana
Frey, Stephen W.
Friedl, Hubert
Frost, Mark
Fruttero, Carlo
Gabler, Frank
Gaboriau, Émile
Galleymore, Frances
Gamarra, Pierre
Gandolfi, Simon
Garber, Joseph R.
Gardiner, Meg
Gardner, Erle Stanley
Gardner, Lisa
Garrett, Randall
Gattis, Ryan
Gaudin, Renée
Geagley, Brad
Gelinek, Joseph
George, Elizabeth
Gerritsen, Tess
Ghelfi, Brent
Giacometti, Éric
Gibbins, David
Gibney, Patricia
Gilbert, Michael Francis
Giles, Kenneth
Gill, Anton
Gill, B. M.
Glauser, Friedrich
Glogger, Beat
Gluck, Sinclair
Glückselig, Josef
Glynn, Alan
Goddard, Robert
Goetz, Adrien
Goldberg, Leonard S.
Golden, Christoper
Golden, Christopher
Goldsborough, Robert
Golembowicz, Waclaw
Goodell, Jeff
Goodman, Carol
Gordon, Barbara
Gordon, Donald
Gores, Joe
Grace, Tom
Grady, James
Grafton, Sue
Graham, Heather
Grangé, Jean-Christophe
Grant, Charles
Greasey, John
Green, George Dawes
Greene, Graham
Greenwood, Kerry
Grice, Julia
Griffin, W. E. B.
Griffiths, Elly
Grimaldi, Laura
Grimwood, Jack
Grippando, James
Grisham, John
Gromova, Ariadna Grigor'jevna
Groom, Winston
Grosso, Alfonso
Gruber, Frank
Gruber, Michael
Gruhl, Hans
Guard, Martin
Guild, Nicholas
Guilfoile, Kevin
Gulik, Robert Van
Haddon, Mark
Hadley, James
Hahn, Ronald M.
Haig, Brian
Hailey, Arthur
Hall, James
Hall, M. R.
Hall, Parnell
Hall, R.M.
Halley, Arthur
Hamill, Denis
Hammenhög, Waldemar
Hammesfahr, Petra
Hammett, Dashiell
Hanák, Jiří
Haney, Lauren
Hankins, James
Hannah, Sophie
Harbou, Thea von
Harper, Karen
Harper, Paul
Harper, Tom
Harrington, William
Harris, David
Harris, Charlaine
Harris, Joanne
Harris, Thomas
Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia
Hart, John
Hartley, A. J.
Hary, W. A.
Hausmann, Romy
Hawkins, Paula
Hawley, Michael A.
Hawley, Noah
Hayder, Mo
Hayes, Sam
Haynes, Elisabeth
Headley, Victor
Hedström, Ingrid
Heib, Marina
Heitman, Lynne
Hen, Józef
Hensher, Ann-Christin
Herbert, James
Heron, Echo
Herron, Paul
Herzog, Arthur
Hewson, David
Hey, Richard
Hidden, David
Higgins Clarková, Mary
Higgins-Clark, Mary
Higgins, Jack
Highsmith, Patricia
Hill, Edwin
Hill, Mark
Hill, Reginald
Hill, Roxann
Hillerman, Tony
Hilton, James
Hiltonová, L.S.
Himes, Chester B.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoag, Tami
Hoffmann, Brett
Hofman, Robert
Hohlbein, Wolfgang
Holm, Gustav
Holt, Anne
Holt, Henry
Holt, Kåre
Holub, Ota
Hooper, Kay
Horowitz, Anthony
Hotmar, Josef
Houser, Jiří
Howard, Johnny
Howard, Linda
Howatch, Susan
Howlett, John
Hunt, Peter R.
Hunter, Cara
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, Stephen
Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew
Huston, James W.
Hutin, Patrick
Hutson, Shaun
Chandler, Raymond
Charnas, Suzy McKee
Chase, Jack
Chase, James Hadley
Chater, Lynda
Chesters, William
Chesterton, G. K.
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
Chesterton, Gilbert, Keith
Cheyney, Peter
Child, Lee
Chorlton, Windsor
Chraïbi, Driss
Christer, Sam
Christie, Agatha
Christofferson, April
Christopher, Paul
Iles, Greg
Indridason, Arnaldur
Innes, Hammond
Innes, Michael
Iris, Anna
Irish, William
Irving, John
Jackson, Lisa
Jackson, Stina
Jacobs, Nancy Baker
James, P. D.
James, Peter
James, Phyllis Dorothy
James, Rebecca
Jamet, Nicole
Jance, J. A.
Jánoška, Jiří
Janouchová, Kateřina
Jansa, Pavel
Jansson, Anna
Japrisot, Sébastien
Jardine, Quintin
Jeffries, Roderic
Jennings, Dean
Johansen, Iris
Johansen, Roy
John, Katherine
Johnson, Maureen
Johnston, Paul
Jónasson, Ragnar
Jones, Alison
Jones, Susanna
Judd, Bob
Jungstedt, Mari
Jungstedtová, Mari
Jur'jev, Zinovij Jur'jevič
Kaczanowski, Alojzy
Kahn, Michael A.
Kalašnikov, Isaj
Kalla, Daniel
Kallentoft, Mons
Kane, Andrea
Kapeller, Ludwig
Kapitáňová, Daniela
Karjel, Robert
Kassak, Fred
Katzenbach, John
Keane, Jessie
Keating, H. R. F.
Keene, Carolyn
Kelk, Cornelis Jan
Kellerman, Faye
Kellerman, Jesse
Kellerman, Jonathan
Kemelman, Harry
Kendal, Claire
Kendrick, Baynard H.
Kepler, Lars
Kernick, Simon
Kerr, Philip
Keverne, Richard
Khoury, Raymond
King, Jonathon
King, Laurie R.
King, Stephen
Kirk, Philip
Kirst, Hans Hellmut
Kiršner, Lev Andrejevič
Kistler, Bonnie
Kitchin, Clifford Henry Benn
Kittredge, Mary
Klavan, Andrew
Klüpfel, Volker
Knight, Bernard
Knox, Tom
kolekiv autorů
Kolektiv autorů
Konsalik, Heinz G.
Koontz, Dean
Kotulová, Eva
Kraft, Eric
Krauss, Irma
Krefeld, Michael Katz
Krentz, Jayne Ann
Krupkat, Günther
Kuśniewicz, Andrzej
Kuzneski, Chris
La Plante, Lynda
Ladd, Linda
Lagercrantz, David
Laird, Thomas
Lait, Jack
Lake, Alex
Lange, John
Langello, Kip
Lanoux, Armand
Lapierre, Dominique
Larsen, Ernest
Larsen, Jodie
Larson, Glen A
Larsson, Asa
Larsson, Stieg
Laurie, Hugh
Lawrence, Leslie L.
Lawton, John
Le Carré, John
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
Lean, Frank
Leather, Stephen
Lee, Rachel
Lee, Tanith
Lehmann, Hanjo
Leivinger, Mattias
Lenormand, Fréderic
Leon, Donna
Leonard, Elmore
Leroux, Gaston
Lerox, Gaston
Lescroart, John
Levin, Ira
Levy, Lawrence H.
Lewis, Norman
Lindsay, Jeffry P
Lindsay, Jeffry P.
Lindsey, David
Link, Charlotte
Livingstone, J. B.
Llewellyn, Sam
Lockridge, Richard
Loest, Erich
Logan, Chuck
Lord, Gabrielle
Lovegrove, James
Lovejoy, William H.
Lovesey, Peter
Lowell, Elizabeth
Ludlum, Robert
Luft, Rudolf
Lupton, Rosamund
Lustbader, Eric van
Lutz, John
Lutz, Lisa
Lynch, Patrick
Lyons, CJ
MacAnthony, Joseph
MacBird, Bonnie
MacBride, Stuart
MacDonald, John D.
MacDonald, John Dann
MacDonald, Patricia
Macdonald, Ross
MacGregor, T. J.
Macchiavelli, Loriano
MacLean, Alistair
MacNeill, Alastair
Macumoto, Seičo
Madeline, Philippe
Machen, Arthur
Mailer, Norman
Malet, Léo
Malina, Jaroslav
Manfredi, Valerio Massimo
Mankell, Henning
Maratová, Monika
Margolin, Phillip
Marguet, Denis
Marklund, Liza
Marks, J. H.
Marni, Nicola
Marný, Tibor
Márquez, Gabriel García
Marr, John S.
Marric, J. J.
Marsh, Ngaio
Marshall, Michael
Marsch, Ngaio
Marsons, Angela
Martin, Hansjörg
Martin, Nancy
Martini, Manuela
Martini, Steve
Marysko, Maxi
Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley
Masterman, F. M.
Masters, Cuck
Masters, Priscilla
Masterton, Graham
Mathews, Leslie
Mau, Olivier
Maugenest, Thierry
Mayle, Peter
McBain, Ed
McCafferty, Barbara Taylor
McCall Smith, Alexander
McClure, James
McClure, Ken
McCreight, Kimberly
McCrery, Nigel
McCullough, Colleen
McDermid, Val
McDonald, John
McDonald, John D.
Mcfadyen, Cody
McGeorge, Chris
McGovern, Cammie
McKinty, Adrian
McNab, Andy
Meier, Stephan R.
Meltzer, Brad
Melville, James
Mendelsohn, Robert
Mercer, Judy
Michaud, Danielle
Miles, Rosalind
Millar, Margaret
Mille, Nelson de
Miller, Hugh
Miller, Michael Arthur
Mills, Kyle
Mina, Denise
Minčev, Christo
Minier, Bernard
Mironov, Georgij
Mitana, Dušan
Moline, Karen
Montanari, Richard
Moody, Susan
Mooney, Chris
Moore, Graham
Moore, Jonathan
Morell, M.
Morgan, Douglas
Morrell, David
Morris, Roger
Mortonová, Kate
Moss, Alice
Motlová, Milena
Moyes, Patricia
Mullerová, Marcia
Nachtmanová, Petra
Nance, John J.
Napier, Bill
Nathan, Paul
Nava, Michael
Navarr, Julia
Nemours, Pierre
Nesbo, Jo
Nevill, Katherine
Nevin, Jack
Newman, Christopher
Ngaio Marsh
Nicker, C. R.
Nordbo, Mads Peder
Norman, Hilary
Novak, Brenda
Nyquist, Gerd
O'Bryan, Laurence
O'Connell, Carol
O'Donnell, Peter
Octavian, Tudor
Oganesov, Nikolaj
Ohlsson, Kristina
Olgin, Howard
Ollivier, Mikaël
Olsen, Jack
Olséni, Christina
Olson, Neil
Orford, Margie
Oriolová, Laurence
Orlov, Vladimír
Ormerod, Roger
Osborn, David
Osborne, Ben
Overton, Hollie
Packard, Frank L.
Palmer, Michael
Paretti, Sandra
Parker, Barbara
Parker, I. J.
Parker, Robert B.
Parker, T. Jefferson
Parkhurst, Carolyn
Parris, S. J.
Parrish, Frank
Parrish, P. J.
Parsons, Kelly
Parsons, Tony
Passman, Don
Pastor, Ben
Pat Joe
Patrick, Q.
Patrick, Vincent
Patterson, James
Patterson, Richard North
Pavone, Chris
Payne, Laurence
Pearl, Matthew
Pears, Iain
Pearson, Ridley
Peinkofer, Michael
Pelecanos, George P.
Pelman, Brice
Penny, Louise
Penzler, Otto
Pérez Valero, Rodolfo
Perrault, Gilles
Perry, Thomas
Persson, Leif G. W.
Peters, Ellis
Peters, Ralph
Petters, Ellis
Pettersson, Torsten
Petty, Heather W.
Peukert, Zdeněk Vojtěch
Pfeiffer, Hans
Philips, Judson
Phillip, P. L.
Picoult, Jodi
Pinkerton, F.
Pintoff, Stefanie
Pišta, Jan
Pitman, Jenny
Pitman, Richard
Pizzolatto, Nic
Plötze, Hasso
Pohl, Frederik
Poledňáková, Marie
Pollock, Donald Ray
Porter, Joyce
Postgate, Raymond William
Poznanski, Ursula
Prather, Richard S.
Preisler, Jerome
Prescott, Michael
Preston, Douglas
Priceová, Nancy
Priestley, J. B.
Prokop, Bermnard, Josef
Pronzini, Bill
Proulx, Suzanne
Psůtková, Zdeňka
Pulley, D. M.
Pullman, Philip
Puzo, Mario
Queen, Ellery
Quentin, Patrick
Quiller-Couch, Arthur
Quinnell, A. J.
Raabe, Melanie
Racina, Thom
Rademacher, Cay
Rajnov, Bogomil
Randon, Noël
Rank, Claude
Rankin, Ian
Rawson, Clayton
Raymond, Derek
Raymond, John
Raymond, Martindale
Read, Piers Paul
Reading, J.S.
Reah, Danuta
Redhead, Leigh
Reeves, John
Reiche, Karl
Reichs, Kathy
Rejtö, Jenö
Renard, Maurice
Rendell, Ruth
Rickstad, Eric
Ridpath, Michael
Rigbey, Liz
Richardson, Doug
Rinecker, Wolfgang
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Robb, Candace
Robb, J. D.
Roberts, John Maddox
Roberts, Nora
Robinson, Leah Ruth
Robinson, Lynda S.
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Steve
Rocker, Ferry
Roe, C. F.
Roe, C. Francis
Roe, Francis
Roe, Francis J. C.
Rollins, James
Rönkä, Matti
Roosevelt, Franklin
Rose, M. J.
Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor
Rosenfelt, David
Rossi, William
Rowland, Laura Joh
Rowlands, Betty
Rozan, S. J.
Rubell, H. G.
Russell, Craig
Russo, Enzo
Ryan, Denise
Ryan, Charles
Rybakov, Anatolij
Sager, Riley
Sachar, Louis
Sanders, Lawrence
Sandford, John
Santis, Pablo de
Sardou, Romain
Sariola, Esa
Saul, John Ralston
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Sayers, Dorothy Leigh
Sayers, Dorothy Lucy
Saylor, Steven
Scerbanenco, Giorgio
Scott, Alex
Scott, Cavan
Scott, E. G.
Scott, Michael
Searles, John
Seeck, Max
Sekulová, Helena
Seltzer, David
Semenov, Julian Semenovič
Serfaty, Thierry
Seth, Patrick
Seymour, Gerald
Shannon, Dell
Shelby, Philip
Sheldon, Sidney
Shepherd, Stella
Shobin, David
Shoemaker, Bill
Sholes, Lynn
Schaeffer, Pierre
Scharang, Michael
Schätzing, Frank
Schreyer, Wolfgang
Siegel, James
Sigurðardóttir, Yrsa
Silbersky, Leif
Simenon, Georges
Simmons, Dan
Simon, Howard
Simon, Roger L.
Simonin, Albert
Simpson, Dorothy
Simpson, Thomas William
Sjöwall, Maj
Slater, K. L.
Slattery, Jesse
Slaughter, Karin
Slim, Iceberg
Smith, L. J.
Smith, Michael Marshall
Smith, Murray
Smith, Rob Tom
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Scott
Smith, Tom Rob
Snellman, Anja
Snětivý, Josef
Soukup, Jiří
Souvestre, Pierre
Spark, Muriel
Spiegelman, Peter
Spillane, Mickey
Spruill, Steven G.
Stacey, Lyndon
Stagge, Jonathan
Stainforth, Alexander
Stancu, Zaharia
Stangerup, Helle
Stanway, Andrew
Starling, Boris
Stearn, Martha
Stein, Garth
Stein, Harry
Steininger, Kurt
Steven, Daniel
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Mary
Stine, R. L.
Stine, Robert Lawrence
Stirling, Joss
Stocks, Mike
Stoker, Bram
Stone, Irving
Stone, Katherine
Stone, Rodney
Stout, Rex
Straub, Peter
Strieber, Whitley
Strobel, Arno
Stroud, Carsten
Strugackij, Arkadij
Strumph-Wojtkiewicz, Stanisław
Stuckart, Diane A. S.
Sue, Eugène
Sullivan, Tim
Suneson, Vic
Sussman, Paul
Sutton, Tom
Suzuki, Kodži
Sveistrup, Soren
Swarup, Vikas
Symons, Julian
Szamos, Rudolf
Š Jü-kchun
Švestková, Marie
Tanenbaum, Robert K.
Tatcher, Timothy
Taylor, G. P.
Tenhunen, Eeva
Terrel, Alexandre
Tey, Josephine
Theorin, Johan
Thilliez, Franck
Thomas, Gordon
Thomas, Louis C.
Thomason, Dustin
Thompson, Jim
Thor, Brad
Thorp, Roderick
Thürk, Harry
Thurston, Carol
Tobisman, C. E.
Tracy, P. J.
Treadwayová, Jessica
Trent, Christine
Trenter, Stieg
Trocheck, Kathy Hogan
Truman, Margaret
Tudor, C. J.
Turow, Scott
Tursten, Helene
Tvedt, Chris
Twining, James
Uher, František
Unger, Lisa
Unterwasser, Max
Upfield, Arthur William
Vachss, Andrew
Vachss, Andrew H.
Vajner, Arkadij
Vajner, Arkadij Aleksandrovič
Vajner, Arkadij Alexandrovič
Valina, Marek
Vallet, Raf
Van Dine, S. S
Van Dine, S. S.
Vandenberg, Philipp
Vaněk, Jan J.
Vanneman, Alan
Vanoyeke, Violaine
Veraldi, Attilio
Verdon, John
Vernberg, Maximilian
Véry, Pierre
Villard, Bernard
Viller, F.
Vine, Barbara
Vitberk, Cyril
Vlk, Jiří
Voloskov, Vladimir Vasil'jevič
Voosen, Roman
Vyhlíd, Radko
Vysockij, Sergej Aleksandrovič
Wager, Walter
Wagner, Jan Costin
Wahlöö, Per
Wainwright, John
Walker, Martin
Walker, Robert W.
Walker, Wendy
Wallace, Edgar
Walldorf, Hans
Walsh, J. M.
Waltari, Mika
Walters, Minette
Wambaugh, Joseph
Warner, Douglas
Weaver, Michael
Weaver, Tim
Weeks, Stephen
Weiss, Ernst
Weldon, Thomas
West, Morris
West, Morris L.
Western, William E.
Westlake, Donald E.
Westley, Kenneth
Weyrauch, A.
White, Alan
White, Michael
White, Stephen
White, Vicki Mason
Wilhelm, Uwe
Wilkinson, Roderick
Willett, Sabin
Williams, Nigel
Williamson, Chat
Willocks, Tim
Wilson, F. Paul
Wilson, Charles
Winkelmann, Andreas
Winnington, Alan
Winslow, Don
Winter, Alex
Wittgen, Tom
Wodehouse, P. G.
Wolf, Klaus-Peter
Wood, Bari
Woods, Stuart
Wright, E. N.
Wright, Eric
Wright, Lawrence
Yorke, Margaret
Zahrádka, Jaroslav
Zeiske, Wolfgang
Zemánek, R.
Zinca, Haralamb
Zink, Michelle
Zlatník, Marek
Žáček, Jiří
Železný, Oldřich
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